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The Best Private Jet Brokers

There are many factors to consider when deciding to instruct a private jet broker, especially if you want to ensure your charter experience is as smooth as silk. Private jet charter itself can be a complex activity but instructing the best private jet brokers will alleviate all of the difficulties one would usually face by chartering a private jet without one.

In this article, we explore all the factors to consider when selecting your private jet broker.

LUX JETS the best private jet charter brokers

Private Jet Charter Price

Private jet charter brokers can obtain charter quotes at bespoke brokered rates not otherwise available if you approach an operator directly.

Private jet charter brokers have the confidence and expertise in jet charter to obtain negotiated rates and filter out overpriced quotes from the operators. A broker can therefore issue the client with a bespoke brokered rate which would not otherwise be available on the open charter market.

The best private jet brokers have built relationships with selected operators who automatically provided discounted rates based on their relationship.

The best of the best will scour the empty-leg market to identify if the selected route is available via empty leg charter. This can save the client up to 80% off of the standard charter rate, but may come at a cost of departure flexibility. A good broker will provide a selection of options for a client to consider.

Cheaper isn't always best. In a good broker's charter selection they will offer a variable priced charter offers. The most expensive charter offer won't just reflect a nicer aircraft, but perhaps the operator has more rigorous safety procedures or has a higher safety rating. This then allows the client to make an informed selection as to their preference for the route, cost or additional safety measures. The best brokers will ensure that the charter price accurately reflects the level of service the operator is performing, without unnecessarily inflating their fees.

A caveat, private jet brokers do not offer their services for free. The cost of a broker obtaining a reduced rate with the operator will incur fees which are added to the final charter price. Even so, the final charter price is often cheaper than a direct request with an operator; but price isn't the only commodity you'll save...


Try it for yourself, contact the first private jet operator you find and request a flight. We bet that that operator, who may be the only one you've heard of, will not be able to fulfil the request.

Without a broker, you'd have to Google as many operators as you can think of and contact them each individually until one is able to fulfil your request. This is a time-consuming activity which really takes away from the enjoyment of chartering a private jet.

Instructing a broker completely removes this from your experience. A private jet broker will have access to powerful software and will request the itinerary with the corresponding operators. The best private jet brokers however, will contact their most trusted and reputable operators directly for bespoke quotes.

The best private jet brokers will then issue you with a selection of varied quotes and aircraft for you to browse and select.

LUX JETS the best private jet charter brokers

Unless time is of the essence, the best private jet brokers will spend 24 hours or so to ensure that the perfect jet is available for your itinerary without compromise.

Not only do brokers save you money on the charter price, but also time in the process.


Reluctantly, not every broker pays as much attention to safety as they should. The best private jet brokers however, ensure that safety is paramount.

LUX JETS the best private jet charter brokers

Upon receiving charter offers from the operators, a broker will spend time vetting the operator for the correct Air Operators Certificate, FAA or CAA approval and the aircraft's certification and suitability for the itinerary. This is where the broker should earn their commission.

The best jet charter brokers will ensure the particulars are pristine before issuing the quote to the client.

A broker who returns a quote instantly, has not spent the time reviewing the paperwork adequately.


Your relationship with the private jet charter broker should be what motivates you to instruct their services. You're placing trust in the broker to ensure that your travel is taken seriously. Some of the larger private jet brokers have employed sales teams to onboard you to their services. Once you're onboarded, you'll be past from person to person during the process and the intricacies of your travel are long forgotten or overlooked.

The best private jet charter brokers however operate in small teams and assign one person to your request from booking to boarding and of course, after-care. Operating in small teams allows the client to fully identify who has been appointed to deal with their request and open up a communication channel with them.

Every time you book with that broker, the same consultant will be appointed to you who already knows your flight preferences, which aircraft you enjoy, the routes you fly and the food you enjoy on the flight. This adds to the time saved during the booking process and charter selection options.

Further, most complaints that the larger brokers receive is due to communication, or lack thereof. With a smaller private jet broker you'll always communicate with the same person and most likely have their direct contact details, not just a call centre or sales number.

Who is the best private jet charter broker?

LUX JETS of course (but we appreciate our opinion might be slightly biased).

LUX JETS the best private jet charter brokers

As noted above, a broker who adds value and convenience to the charter process is a good broker to instruct.

What makes the 'best' broker is one that manages to do all of the above.

At LUX JETS our unique selling point over the larger brokers is our personable approach to the charter process. You'll be assigned one of the two beneficial owners of LUX JETS to manage your request from booking to boarding. It's therefore in our best interest to make the process smooth, safe and personable to uphold our impeccable reputation and retain your trust.

Our clients have a direct communication link to us and never have to be concerned with who is handling their request. From the moment a request is made, you'll be introduced to us personally and be placed at ease that we are the best private jet charter brokers.

Safety - Integrity - Personality

Find out more about us and our services.


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